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Project Category: Development

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  • – Prospecting Licence covering 125 hectares (P51/2950).

    – Located in the eastern goldfields of Western Australia, 50km west of Meekatharra with access via the Carnarvon-Meekatharra Road.

    – The Chesterfield Gold Project area covers a portion of the Mingah Range greenstone belt. It lies on the western limb of a major syncline comprising tightly folded Youanmi Terrane greenstones and metamorphosed volcanic rocks of the Polelle Group, including mafic-ultramafic lithologies of the Meekatharra Formation and felsic lithologies of the Greensleeves Formation.

    – Gold is hosted in quartz veins and stockwork veining. It also occurs as alluvial nuggets often concentrated in the surface drainage channels.

    – Includes the historic Gift and Chesterfield West 2 gold workings.

    – Recorded production (from historic workings) of 2 tonnes of ore returned 766 grams of gold for an average grade of 383 g/t.

    – A limited “doze and detect” survey was conducted in May 2016 resulting in 105 grams of gold nuggets.

    This Prospecting Licence would be a valuable asset to any tenement portfolio. Exploration of the area has been limited as it has been held by a private tenement owner since 1987, providing an excellent opportunity for extensive investigation of potential targets. The occurence of alluvial deposits may also make it suitable for a small surface mining project.

    Please contact us if you have any questions or require any additional information.


    First listed on Gumtree on 02/02/2017

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  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): ZERO
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