Claudia Au-Ag Project – JV opportunity

  • Fig1_Mirasol_SantaCruz_Claudia_OverviewMap_Original
  • Fig2_Mirasol_Claudia_Tenure_OverviewMap_Original
  • Fig3_Mirasol_Claudia-CurahueProspect_Original
  • Fig4_Mirasol_Claudia-RioSecoProspect_GradientArrayGM_Original

Project Category: Exploration

More Info
Related Listing
    > Large 100% Mirasol owned gold-silver project approximately 123,660 Ha of claims
    > Adjoining AngloGold Ashanti’s Cerro Vanguardia 8.9 Moz gold (global resource) epithermal mining district
    > Claudia large epithermal vein district with widespread at surface gold / silver mineralization
    > Multiple prospects with new drill targets defined; Curahue, Rio Seco, Laguna Blanca / Ailen and Cilene
    > Large gold-silver prospects with coincident geophysical responses and anomalous gold / silver assays in trenches and rock chips
    > Curahue: 15 km long vein system zone day lighting through post mineralization cover. Best trench intersections include Au up to 4.7 g/t & Ag up to 120 g/t, no drilling of new vein system
    > Rio Seco: top of epithermal system, broad anomalous gold silver intersections in high level veining, including 15.6 m @ 0.29 g/t Au & 50.9 g/t Ag and 2.14 m @ 3.06 g/t Au & 72.9 g/t Ag. New geophysics identifies new drill targets
    > Laguna Blanca/Ailen: New trench results from multi-phase mineralized system
    > Underexplored sinter system developed over 7 km strike with new Cilene prospect

    132 KVA national grid power lines traverse the project; National highway and gas pipeline within kilometres of eastern edge of the project; network of provincial formed gravel roads and all weather farm roads – year round access. Located 70 km by road from San Julian, the base for Cerro Vanguardia work force and within easy trucking distance from the Cerro Vanguardia mill and processing plant.

    Large, quality dataset of geology (detailed prospect mapping, volcanic facies mapping, ASTER satellite alteration mapping), geochemistry (rock chip and soil sampling, trenches) and geophysics (magnetics, gradient array IP/resistivity) along with drilling (51 diamond core and 25 RC). Good correlation between vein zones and geophysical anomalies – proven targeting tool beneath cover. New Data provides targeting opportunities – in extensive areas of thin gravel cover.

    Gradient Array geophysical surveys have identified a 15 km long zone of strong resistive +/- chargeable anomalies beneath thin gravel and late mineral cover. Trenching through thin gravel cover at the Io, Europa and Callisto trends (Curahue West) shows resistive anomalies are mapping large epithermal veins through the gravel cover. At the Io trend, trenching intersected in situ vein zones over 1.5 km strike length, returning channel samples up to 2.3 m @ 1.98 g/t Au & 110.9 g/t Ag, including 0.9 m @ 4.7 g/t Au & 120 g/t Ag. There has been no previous drilling of the Io or Europa trends. Covered chargeable geophysical anomalies at Calisto trend may indicate zones of silica sulphide mineralization. A lone historic drillhole (RC_08_10) on the Callisto trend intersected 2 m @ 147.9 g/t Ag & 0.03 g/t Au from fine grained sulphide silica mineralization in RC drill chips. Follow up drilling pending. Recent Mirasol trenching 2 km to the east along the Callisto trend intersected 26 m @ 0.45 g/t Au & 1.9 g/t Ag including 1.0 m @ 1.9 g/t Au & 3.5 g/t Ag in a high level epithermal veinlet zone. The large Curahue vein system host multiple drill ready targets that require testing.
    Recent reconnaissance of targets 4 km to the south of the Io trend have identified new epithermal veins at Elara, Hemalia and Leda prospects with low level anomalous gold and silver.

    Multiple epithermal vein trends developed over a 3 x 2 km area within a dilatational jog structural setting. Individual veins are up to 4 m wide with high level (top of system) textures and local sinter preservation. Localised development of classic ginguro style quartz adularia sulphide banding returning assays up to 23.2 g/t Au, 1,175 g/t Ag. Drilling through weekly mineralisezed clay altered cap rocks (La Matilda formation) intersected +15 m wide zone of multi-phaze high level epithermal veining withvisible silver sulphides and anomalous gold mineralization, suggesting presavation of the top of the epithermal system with good depth potential at Rio Seco.
    Broad spaced shallow reconnaissance drill testing intersected wide zones of high level veining in the Loma Alta, Rio Seco Main and J-Vein trends returning anomalous intersections including 15.55 m @ 0.29 g/t Au & 50.87 g/t Ag, 5.53 m @ 1.01 g/t Au & 37.87 g/t Ag and 0.83 m @ 6.59 g/t Au & 139.3 g/t Ag respectively.
    Post-drilling trenching on Loma Alta intersected up to 6.92 g/t Au & 448 g/t Ag and at “J” vein 15.2 g/t Au & 164 g/t Ag, highlighting a series of new drill targets.
    Post-drilling pole dipole IP geophysics identifies new anomalies associated with gold-silver drill intersections. A new round of drilling warranted to test new geophysical and geochemical targets and to test for higher grade gold / silver mineralization at depth beneath high level veining intersected in reconnaissance drilling.

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): N/A
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