Tin-Copper-Gold Project

Project Category: DevelopmentProject Tags: Copper, gold, Lead, Silver, Tin, and Tungsten

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  • Tin-Copper-Gold Project
    This Project is located in the Northern Territory of Australia.
    It has published resources of tin-copper & gold deposits
    • 737,000 tonnes at 1.38% Sn underground
    • 400,000 tonnes open cut at 0.4% Sn
    • 971,000 tonnes grading 1.5% Cu.
    • Work has advanced to confirm a minimum ‘JORC’ resource of about 1 million tonnes @ 1% Sn.
    • Recent work shows potential exists to substantially expand the resources along strike, laterally and at depth.
    • Potential exists for a 25 million tonne resource.
    • The project has 14 granted Mining Leases
    • supported by 2 Exploration Licences. (3621Ha)
    • Existing infrastructure on 40Ha of freehold land, includes an adit and railway, tailings and water supply dams, accommodation etc. buildings, a processing plant (requiring refurbishment) and good access.

    A very large subsurface deposit on the EPM and in close proximity to the camp, has also been established by deeper drilling, peripheral outcrop and geophysical interpretation (including EM surveys), including 5 satellite mineral deposits eg;
    • copper to 6.1%
    • silver 185g/t,
    • gold from 1g/t

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 25m/t
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