35,000Ha of gold bearing resources

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Project Category: Production

More Info
Related Listing
  • Looking for a high net worth gold project? Gold is on the rise again, protect your wealth
    Our company is based on trust and good ethics, we believe in transparency and fairness in all our dealings and this applies to any proposed Joint Venture partner.
    We offer a Joint Venture opportunity in North Qld, for $6,000,000 . This secures a massive 35,000Ha of Exploration Leases, with 12 approved Mining Leases, 10 man camp, several large sheds and some machinery. Full inventory available.
    Our company’s processing methods are the most technologically advanced system for the extraction of alluvial gold, in Australia. The plant recovers in excess of 95% of gold, even as fine as 300 mesh.
    A Business Plan and projected Cash Flow is available, so if you have the funds, Don’t Delay, Talk Today!
    Contact brian.greenwood11@gmail.com or Brian Ph. +61 (0)491 177 611

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 5mt @ 0.3-5g/t Plus immense gold area to test
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