Barnes Hill Project (Nickel-Cobalt)

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Project Category: Development

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  • The Barnes Hill Nickel-Cobalt Project is located ~4km west of Beaconsfield in northern Tasmania.

    The project boasts a open-pittable JORC resource of 6.6Mt @ 0.8% Ni, 0.05% Co for 54kt Ni, 3kt Co at a 0.5% Ni cut-off (Snowden 2010).

    Further work has confirmed potential existence of a discrete zone of near surface iron enriched material related to the Barnes Hill north orebody which may be upgradeable using low-intensity magnetic separation >62% Fe (4.6% AI203 and 2.7% SiO2).

    In addition to the Barnes Hill deposit, the Mt Vulcan and Scott’s Hill prospects also present potential targets for further exploration.

    Expressions of interest to acquire 100% of the Barnes Hill project should be directed to Marcus van der Vyver at Pitcher Partners (enquiry button > right hand side of this webpage).

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 6.6Mt @ 0.8% Ni, 0.05% Co for 54Kt Ni, 3kt Co (at 0.5% Ni cutoff)
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