Dalwallinu Gold Project

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Project Category: Exploration

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  • The Dalwallinu Gold Project (the ‘Project’) hosts a significant regional ground position over the Dalwallinu Greenstone Belt along the major Yerlering Fault Corridor. The Project includes over 20km strike length of prospective shear zone ground with historical geological, geochemical, structural and drill ready targets such as the Widgie Hill target area where basement gold anomalism has been identified under 20m of surface cover.

    The Project’s exploration licence E70/4884 covers approximately 17,670 hectares and surrounds the externally owned and historically mined high grade Pithara gold prospect.

    The high grade Pithara gold deposit was first discovered in 2003 by Independence Group (IGO) who were the first to undertake serious exploration in the area. Their primary exploration focus was centred on the Pithara discovery until they decided the deposit wasn’t big enough for their interests and at the time their primary focus was on the Tropicana Gold discovery. This move left the rest of the greenstone belt along strike from Pithara completely under-explored other than some minor exploration which included a number of plus 1g/t Au gold intercepts in near surface drilling which indicated that there was good potential for repetitions of, or extensions to the high grade Pithara deposit in the area.
    The area is within the Archean Yilgarn Block and sits in an undefined area between the Murchison and South West Terranes. Interpretation of the geological setting (Amphibolite – Paragneiss after greenstone intruded by porphyritic granite) indicates potential for multiple high grade Gold shoots.

    Much of the greenstone belt within the tenement area lies under surface cover. Through very limited geochemical exploration outside of the Pithara deposit area that identified anomalies, plus with geological and structural interpretations, the potential for further high grade Gold deposits within the Dalwallinu Gold Project area remains a strong possibility.

    Primary Contact Person: Drew Money
    Company Name: Galahad Resources
    Telephone Number: +61 428 301 214

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): • 7m @ 21.8 g/t Au from 20m (including 2m @ 61.5 g/t Au from 24m) • 9m @ 6.3 g/t Au from 19m (including 2m @ 18.2 g/t Au from 23m) • 6m @ 4.9 g/t Au from 12m • 6m @ 3.2 g/t Au from 13m
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