Leinster Nickel Project

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  • Leinster_Exploration_Minotaur
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Project Category: Exploration

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  • E37/909, M36/475, Area 122km2, Minotaur Exploration Ltd 100%

    The Leinster Nickel Project is located ~ 300km north of Kalgoorlie (Figure 1) in granites and greenstones of the Achaean Kalgoorlie Terrane. The tenements host known deposits of nickel sulphides and gold mineralisation.

    Inferred Resource (JORC 2004) for the Horn deposit 0.6Mt @ 1.4% Ni and 0.3% Cu.

    The project area is highly prospective for magmatic nickel sulphide mineralisation. The mafic / ultramafic rocks represent the southern continuation of the Mt Keith / Leinster nickel belt and several significant nickel deposits are present within the tenement area (Figure 1).

    Historical company exploration identified significant nickel sulphide mineralisation at the Horn and Mt. Newman prospects which, although uneconomic, confirm the fertile nature of the ultramafic belt. A review of previous drilling, geochemistry and geophysical survey information has highlighted numerous untested nickel sulphide targets including The Horn South, Deep South, Firefly, Sinclair North, Bakers, Salute and Mount Newman (Figure 2.).

    Minotaur Exploration Ltd is seeking expressions of interest for a 100% sale of the Leinster Nickel Project.

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 0.6Mt @ 1.4% Ni and 0.3% Cu
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