Music Well

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Project Category: Exploration

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  • The Music Well Project is made up of two exploration licences (E37/1362 and E37/1363) and covers an area of approximately 290 km2 approximately 55km north of Leonora, Western Australia.

    Music Well is located in a part of the Yilgarn where intrusion-hosted gold mineralisation in granites has been demonstrated, with three gold three mining operations within 10kms of E37/1363, including Northern Star’s >1 Moz Bundarra goldfield.

    NMR’s high resolution airborne magnetic survey has highlighted a number of significant magnetic trends and lineaments that are along strike from known granitic hosted mines and deposits of Red 5’s Great Western mine and Northern Star’s Wonder and Celtic (Bundarra) open pits. NMR has developed multiple drill targets from the interpretation of the magnetics which are still to be drill tested.

    Many of the structures that host the mineralisation mentioned above are continuous through E37/1363 and even extend as far as E37/1362 indicating that there could be a potential link to the same source rocks in both exploration licence.

    On E37/1362 NMR has actively explored several key target areas that were defined by previous exploration, with the work focussing on the T1 quartz vein where gold-bearing samples have defined a zone over 250m long with the vein being hidden by shallow cover at either end.
    Previous sampling of the T1 vein returned rockchip samples up to 34.8g/t Au and NMR has repeated these results with its own rock chip sampling assays being up to 140g/t Au. The average of 26 rockchip samples collected by NMR was 6.76g/t Au.

    Further work by NMR focused on recovering grade information from the vein below the current surface level where processes such as oxidation of sulphides might impact the gold grade. Approximately 5 tons of fresh quartz was extracted from a depth of 1 metre below the surface using an excavator.
    The quartz was crushed onsite and 130 representative samples were assayed and the samples averaging 3.49g/t Au, with nine returning grades over 5g/t Au and the highest assay being 129g/t Au, with a number of crushed samples panned and showing visible gold.

    Four diamond drillholes were drilled into the T1 vein with the results from 73 samples showing numerous zones of anomalous quartz veining with the best result being from MWDDH001 of 05m @ 0.57g/t Au (from 48.2m). 14 samples assayed greater than 0.15g/t Au.

    Field mapping by NMR has redefined the geology in parts of Music Well with the identification of poly-deformed greenstones in what has been considered, historically to be granites.

    Additionally, pegmatitic dykes have also been mapped at Music Well highlighting the potential for lithium bearing spodume to present at Music Well.

    Primary Contact Person: Greg Curnow
    Company Name: Native Mineral Resources
    Telephone Number: +61 437 665 611

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 0
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