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Lease for sale meekatharra
Project Category: Exploration
Prospecting lease transferable to mining huge potential copper malachite mountain breaking into quartz reef then breaking into ironstone deposits with alimony and zinc indications on block with gold specimens weighing over 200oz and pipe gold found on centre of lease with over 100 years of rich history dating back to 1900 huge potential for company p51/2994 0417877593 Australia for detailed report emailed to you or contact me on huge potential for company bad health forces sale have 30 year old drilling report sitting block requires further investigation with was never carried out was site of original meekatharra townsite (tent city) in 1900 with meekatharra being on map because of area and due to enormous finds on lease town was built 2km away / was discovered by John Holloway one of Australia’s least known but highly skilled geologists that was responsible for discovering st Barbara mine (bluebird) Ralph’s patch garden gully and dozens of highly successful mining projects Australia wide netting hundreds of millions of dollars yearly each lease and was his last lease he pegged before he died wich he believed was one of his best discoveries recently was raided by out of town prospectors 3 years ago who got away with a 30oz and a 70oz piece of gold at 2foot with a metal detector netting them close to $250,000 for 3 days prospecting as I said huge potential for company willing to investigate further
Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): Unknown