Kunanulling Exploration

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Project Category: ExplorationProject Tags: alluvial, gold, mine, nuggets, and shaft

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  • E16/533 for sale- granted exploration lease size-1BL=(300ha), this lease is in amongst operating mine sites, this lease is live with 5 years life and first option to extend for a further 5 years, for a programme of works all is needed is to negotiate as normal with the native title of the area , and submit your POW. this lease is in the middle of Bulletin resources pending exploration lease, top soil reports are the best in the area as this lease was pegged first when the area was vacant. price is $20000 negotiable, will accept suitable barter eg- caravan, 4×4, aluminium boat, quad bike etc as part payment, pm on here or call/ text 0473993764.

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 0
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