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Borden Rare Earth Project (Western Australia)
Project Category: Exploration
The Borden REE project is located 110km northeast of Albany and 330km southeast of Perth, accessed via the Gnowangerup-Jerramungup road.
The project is in an under explored area of the Wheatbelt of Western Australia, past exploration in this part of Western Australia has been limited to roadside sampling.
Anomalous Rare earth elements have been found while exploring for Gold-Copper mineralisation after access was given to private farmland.
The project is at the early stages of exploration, exploration license E 70/6161 has been granted.The Exploration license sits on the boundary of the Southwest and Youanmi Terranes of the Western Australia Yilgarn Craton.
Previous work by DevEx Resources in 2022 also found anomalous REE, their Exploration licenses a few kilometers to the east were surrendered in 2021 and 2022 ( E70/5717,E70/5719).
Further information and assay results can be obtained by contacting:
Russell Prowse
Phone: 0429361119 -
Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 0