Wanted: Gold claim working investor

  • 59-1

Project Category: ProductionProject Tags: gold mine and investors

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  • Looking for a working investor on a gold claim.

    Location: Spanish Mountain Caribou region

    Title number #722262 Looking for a 20k investment with someone who has access to equipment and fuel. This person will be needed to clear the snow about 1km of road. They will be required to clear overburden and bring pay to the wash plant. You will receive 40% of the gold. Currently the ground is producing 6oz per 100 yards and we are not even into the paleo channel yet. We are on a rich channel with a great summer to look forward to. This is very low asking for whats being offered and the amount of money already invested.

    Please forward details and contact information to goldandmineralcapitol@gmail.com

    All applicants will be considered and those considered will get a more detailed information packet. Follow up will be a video interview with the claim owner and I.

    Thank you for reading, Ron Harrison.

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 0
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