Gold Claim For Sale – CHEECHAKO HILL Canada

  • cheechako

Project Category: Development

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  • 3 gold claims for sale on the famous Cheechako hill. This hill is one of the richest placer deposit of gold in the Dawson area and even if it was extensively mined by the old timers of the first gold rush, this hill is still being mined today. Lots of old timers remains on the claim area and old shaft as well.

    No water license included but a schedule 3 water permit can be obtained easily so you can use as up to 300 cubic meter of water/day for testing purpose.

    Grant #

    We could locate an underground source of water so it would be feasible to dig a pond to collect water for sluicing purpose. No further testing was done in 2016 since our mining activities are concentrated in another areas. We will not consider joint venture or leasing for this property.

    At this price, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): Au
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