• Gold-Production2
  • Gold-Production1

Project Category: ProductionProject Tags: GOLD EXPLORATIOM PARTNER REQUIRED

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  • Hi,

    Not sure what the process is but reaching out to find out if your company will partner with me on Gold fields in Africa.

    I represent exclusively the indigenous land owners and we are looking for reputable miners to partner with us.

    Gold is already being excavated in the region by Highly Reputable Canadian British Company on land that is right next to some of our land. We have only just evicted Chinese miners illegally mining vast quantities on same land.

    Apologies for the cold call but not sure what the protocol to start discussions of this nature is.

    Please let me know if its what discussing.

    Thanks and Kind Regards

    Roland Sodeinde


  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): $2B
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