Historic Silver Dollar Gold Mine – Silver City, New Mexico

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Project Category: Exploration

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  • Historic Silver Dollar Gold Mine and Camp

    Federally Registered Mining Claim ID:NMMC198646

    20 Acre Lode Claim – Burro Mountains Mining District – Grant County, New Mexico

    Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. is proud to present the Historic Silver Dollar Gold Mining Claim. This is a 20 acre lode mining claim for sale exclusively through Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. The claim is located just outside of Silver City, New Mexico and has been properly staked and marked at all corners. All Gold Rush Expeditions, Inc. claims have been meticulously surveyed, mapped and researched. Field work is completed by our own experienced, well versed Mine Survey Team.

    This claim is a turn key operation and ready for work and sampling. It has the potential for commercial operation on a small to medium scale. two mills have existed on the site, one gravity mill with a single battery stamp, and later into 1950s a leaching process plant.

    The mine is accessed via a large double compartment shaft that has been maintained or recently rehabilitated. There are existing cable systems which can be utilized by the existing headframe with integrated ore bin. There is plumbing and likely a pump below that is powered by the new electrical lines and cabling that run into the mine. A recently constructed storage shed with an electrical breaker box, sits adjacent to the shaft.

    The claim includes the remnants of two milling operations. There is a mill directly underneath the mine that appears to have contained a crusher and separation vats. Another, later mill looks like it may have been a cyanide leaching operation.

    The presence of two mills on the claim indicate a large recovery and underground operation to justify the building of a full mill and processing center. The surveyors were not able to locate any high grade ores below the mill. The overall condition of the mine, which has been well maintained, and the existing infrastructure in the mine (that has been maintained) infer that there are likely substantial reserves underground.

    Local mining operations have reported ore pockets are very rich, with one report stating that 400 lbs were extracted, with a valuation of $80,000.00 per ton (1964 values).

    Surveyors assess the site was worked for gold as there is a lot of iron and quartz that has been crushed and discarded just below the ore bin. Mine appears to be in excellent condition. Would be ideal for a small group of miners.

    There is nothing to be worked above ground. All work would need to take place in the ore bodies below ground. We would not recommend for miners that do not have training or experience working underground. We would expect a higher rate of return due to the built up infrastructure that was created from the initial returns of the mine.

    History of the Mines

    From a 1964 report,

    The Silver Dollar mine consists of a number of shafts and pits principally in the NE¼ sec. 33, T. 19 S., R. 16 W., but reaching into sec. 34. It is owned by Marshall N. Kuykendahl, Lordsburg, and was last operated for a few months in 1946 and 1947; only assessment work has been done since. The mine was opened as early as 1908.
    The shaft is 160 feet deep and inclined 75° NW. Drifts on the 100 foot level extend 150 feet in each direction from the shaft, those on the 160-foot level only 30 feet in each direction. Gold and silver were the metals mined. In the 1940’s, the value of the ore averaged $9.50 a ton, most of this in silver. The gold-silver ratio was 1: 100. Lead ran 0.5 per cent.

  • Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): ZERO
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